Generalsigning (and encryption)

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signing (and encryption)

Post by odhage »

I would like a package or a commandline option (when compiling the document) to sign a document with for example GPG. It would come in handy while writing letters or taking minutes at a meeting. Or writing any kind of document that require your signature. To get a valid signature today you need to print the document and give it your physical signature. In order to have the signed document in the computer you then need to scan it. If I instead insert a picture of my handwritten signature i would like to have it verified.

Encryption is not a big deal since you can encrypt any file "from outside". But I think connecting LaTeX with GPG for to sign documents also will give that opportunity? I know that it is possible to sign any document "from outside" in the same fashion as encryption. But to have it "built in" in the compilation I think opens up more possibilities - perhaps?

Does it exist such a possibility now? Or can anyone (group of people) make one? Who should I ask?


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Posts: 22
Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:41 am

Re: signing (and encryption)

Post by odhage »

Another issue to address in this is the possibility to secure your texfile - making it necessary to give a password for to compile.
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