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\runningheader{Spring 2010}{Precalculus}{Final Exam (Continued)}
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\title{Part II\\ Calculator Permitted}
\author{School Without Walls\ Math Department}
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Answer the questions in the space provided. Be sure to include all work to obtain full credit. If you run out of room for an answer, continue on the back of the page.}}}
\hbox to \textwidth{Name and Section:\enspace\hrulefill}
\hbox to \textwidth{Instructor's Name:\enspace\hrulefill}
\question Describe the transformation below on $f(x)$. (Please Note: The transformed graph, $g(x)$ is solid)
\psplot[plotstyle=curve,linewidth=2pt,linecolor=red,arrows=<->,linestyle=dashed]{-2} {2} {x x mul}
\psplot[plotstyle=curve,linewidth=2pt,linecolor=blue,arrows=<->]{-5}{-1}{x 3 add 2 exp 2 sub}
\choice $g(x)=(x-3)^{2}-2$
\choice $g(x)=(x+3)^{2}-2$
\choice $g(x)=(x-2)^{2}+3$
\choice $g(x)=(x-2)^{2}-3$
\question Find a positive angle less than $360^{\circ}$ or $2\pi$ that is \emph{coterminial} with the angle $558^{\circ}$.
\choice $188^{\circ}$
\choice $378^{\circ}$
\choice $198^{\circ}$
\choice $279^{\circ}$
Edit by localghost: Marked topic as solved subsequently.