Page Layoutcolumns of different widths

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columns of different widths

Post by methylstopheles »

This is an outrageously simple question:

Is there some way out there that allows me to make columns of different widths?

I'm sure I'm missing something startlingly obvious, so I apologize for wasting anyone's time. Thanks!

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Re: columns of different widths

Post by Johannes_B »

Harder than you think with the assumption of it bein easy and hence giving no information.

I wan't a tasty stew, can't be that hard. Should contain carrots.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Re: columns of different widths

Post by methylstopheles »

I would have thought you could set it locally using [cmd]\setlength{\columnwidth}{}[/cmd] but all the information I've found so far on that is "really, you shouldn't mess with that" (paraphrasing) It had no apparent effect, so I'm guessing it's meant to be used in the preamble. I'm going to keep messing with that anyway.

I've just had a suggestion of making a document class, but neither of us has done that before, so that may be a project for another day.
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columns of different widths

Post by alainremillard »

The package vwcol might be what you are looking for
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