Document ClassesWhich is the documment class and font used?

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Which is the documment class and font used?

Post by sounzbreaker »

Hello. I'm writing my first final thesis in Latex and I'd want to make my document like the one you cand find in the image, I mean, same documment class, same font, etc... I found some templates in overleaf but they aren't like the one I want, so if you know how could be I'll be very glad.
Thank you.
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Re: Which is the documment class and font used?

Post by Johannes_B »

Welcome, your question is a bit like asking for the kind of meat in a stew by showing a picture of the stew.

With the real pdf (not just an image) it would be easier to give helpful hints, though there still is no guarantee that the given information would be correct.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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