Articles, Essays, and Journal Templateschange font size body text and headings.

IEEE, Elsevier, ACM, ACE, Science, AGU, PNAS, PLOS, RSoC, Springer, Stylish articles and Essays
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change font size body text and headings.

Post by james331 »

This is going to sound like a silly question but how do I change the font size to a specific 'pt' value for the headings and most importantly the main body text because it is too small. (This is for the "Stylish Article" template)

Am I supposed to modify the SelfArx.cls file? everything I have tried appears to be changing the spacing between titles and not the font size itself.

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change font size body text and headings.

Post by Johannes_B »

Welcome, you can use package extsizes to change the font size of your body text and package titlesec to change the font size of headings.
Do not change the cls file, it is copyrighted.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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