Page LayoutAligning section, subsection titles and text

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Aligning section, subsection titles and text

Post by santaclauze »


it's me again :D

I have been trying to indent and align text of the whole document with subsection and section title (as described in the title of this post).

I have found certain possibilities, which however, oblige me to add the code between each paragraph. Else it moves the section and subsection title to the same amount.

How can I keep the numbers of section and sub section titles to the left all while aligning the titles with the text?

Any suggestions?

Ty :mrgreen:

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Re: Aligning section, subsection titles and text

Post by Johannes_B »

Can you show us a picture of what you are trying to achieve?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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