Presentations and Posterspreserving hyperlinks when using beamer with pgfpages

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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preserving hyperlinks when using beamer with pgfpages

Post by JeffR »

Hello! I frequently create presentation documents in beamer, sometimes including hyperlinks with the hyperref package. Then for easy viewing I often use beamer's handout option together with the recommended "pgfpages" package to combine 2 or 4 or 8 slides into a single page. That works great, except that the hyperlinks no longer work. I know this topic has been discussed elsewhere, and that there are lots of different packages designed to combine multiple pdf pages into one. But despite quite a bit of searching, I can't find any actual solution to this problem. What I need is a method -- any method -- for combining multiple pdf pages into one, in a way that still preserves hyperlinks. Any suggestions welcome -- thank you!

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Re: preserving hyperlinks when using beamer with pgfpages

Post by Johannes_B »

To my knowledge, no such solution exists.
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