Code: Select all
Dissertation Title: \fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{\@etitle}\\
Anil Kunwar
Code: Select all
Dissertation Title: \fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{\@etitle}\\
Code: Select all
Dissertation Title:\fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{This is a very long title }\\
\underline{\makebox[12.6cm]{ and this phrase follows the above part.}}\\
Code: Select all
\etitle{This is a very long title and this phrase follows the above part.}
Code: Select all
Dissertation Title:\fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{\etitle }\\
Code: Select all
{\sihao\fs 学{\hfill}位{\hfill}论{\hfill}文{\hfill}题{\hfill}目{\hfill}:\fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{\@ctitle}}
{\sihao\fs 作{\hfill}者{\hfill}签{\hfill}名{\hfill}:\fixeddistanceleft[12.6cm]{\underline{\hspace{5.8cm}}\hfill
Code: Select all
\newcommand\fixedunderlinecenter[2][1cm]{\underline{\hb@xt@ #1{\hss#2\hss}}}
\fixedunderlinecenter[10cm]{This is a very long title and this phrase follows the above part.}
\fixedunderlinecenter{This is a very long title and this phrase follows the above part.}