Theses, Books, Title pagesunderline under the title increasing as per the title length

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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underline under the title increasing as per the title length

Post by annier »

In the format of the thesis templates, when we want to underline the thesis title, how can we write the format of the coverpage or other pages so that the length of the underline depends upon the lenth of the title?

Code: Select all

Dissertation Title: \fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{\@etitle}\\
Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar

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underline under the title increasing as per the title length

Post by Johannes_B »

Your question is completely unclear to me, especially since you mention a template, but are not mentioning which one. Please elaborate.
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underline under the title increasing as per the title length

Post by annier »

Hi Johannes,
My question is discussing of longer thesis titles. For now, i use the manual way of dividing the title instead of using the preamble definition of title \etitle.

Code: Select all

Dissertation Title:\fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{This is a very long title }\\
\underline{\makebox[12.6cm]{ and this phrase follows the above part.}}\\
The title \etitle is defined in cover.tex as

Code: Select all

\etitle{This is a very long title  and this phrase follows the above part.}

Code: Select all

Dissertation Title:\fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{\etitle }\\
If it is written like this, the title will exceed the paper size.

Please refer the following link: ... format.tex
from line 355 onwards

Code: Select all

    {\sihao\fs 学{\hfill}位{\hfill}论{\hfill}文{\hfill}题{\hfill}目{\hfill}:\fixedunderlinecenter[12.6cm]{\@ctitle}}
    {\sihao\fs 作{\hfill}者{\hfill}签{\hfill}名{\hfill}:\fixeddistanceleft[12.6cm]{\underline{\hspace{5.8cm}}\hfill
In short what are the roles of

Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar
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underline under the title increasing as per the title length

Post by Johannes_B »

This is some really creepy code. Try the following:

Code: Select all

\newcommand\fixedunderlinecenter[2][1cm]{\underline{\hb@xt@ #1{\hss#2\hss}}}

\fixedunderlinecenter[10cm]{This is a very long title  and this phrase follows the above part.}

\fixedunderlinecenter{This is a very long title  and this phrase follows the above part.}
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Re: underline under the title increasing as per the title le

Post by annier »

Hi Johannes,
Thank you providing me an excellent illustration.

Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar
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