GeneralPlotting with Touchstone files

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Plotting with Touchstone files

Post by goltoof »

I've exported some Touchstone ".s2p" files from a network analyzer. The plots saved by our analyzers are very detailed and show every little disturbance in signal. We want something more simplistic, smooth curve. Closest post I've come to for working with touchstone files is ... 1p-s2p-s3p
However I can't get it to work, it's an incomplete example. I need a more polished example to work with. Attached a file of one of our exports. Hoping someone else has worked with these files to create plots and can provide a good template to run with.
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Re: Plotting with Touchstone files

Post by Johannes_B »

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Re: Plotting with Touchstone files

Post by goltoof »

Sorry, should've checked the guidelines. Figured the general thread might get more exposure. I won't cross post anymore just not entirely sure where this belongs, possibly Math & Science ?
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Re: Plotting with Touchstone files

Post by Johannes_B »

No problem.

We are a bit short on helpers and supporters right now. In fact i am the only regular one, a hand full others drop in occasionally.
I pushed the question at TeX.SX back on top, maybe there will be an answer.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
torbjorn t.
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Re: Plotting with Touchstone files

Post by torbjorn t. »

goltoof, could you specify exactly how that file should be read? Is it just one column vs. another? I understand there are other forms of these files, with more complex formats, do you need to generalize to those?
torbjorn t.
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Plotting with Touchstone files

Post by torbjorn t. »

For example, to plot the first column versus the second and fourth columns, you can do as in the code below. The column count start at zero, hence x index=0. To plot different columns, just use different values for y index. The skip first n skips the first n lines of the file.
funclines3.png (37.23 KiB) Viewed 5264 times

Code: Select all

  xlabel={frequency [GHz]},
  ylabel={S [dB]},
  no markers,
  legend pos=south east
    \addplot table[mark=none, x index=0, skip first n=5, y index=1] {data.s2p};

    \addplot table[mark=none, x index=0, skip first n=5, y index=3] {data.s2p};
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