Having trouble nailing down a certain style I like. It's obvious I'm using way more styles than I should to get the desired effect. Main thing I'm after is the fancy chapterstyle with left/right page numbering the same on all pages including chapter pages.
%letter% JB: unknown
%,oneside%JB: Apparently, you don't want this?
\usepackage{showframe}%JB Demonstrating left and right pages
%\usepackage{fancyhdr}%JB cannot be used with memoir
Or i misunderstood the question?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Better. Without the fancyhdr though I'm not getting the page headers I'm after with sections number, chapter & section names as in the original example.
Still unclear how the headings work. It's for a manual not a book so the header is the same on every page with Section # & Section Name on the left, and Chapter Title on the right as in the original example.
Yes I finally figured it out just after responding. Oddly enough the chapter page is showing the page number in the center again, swore that was fixed before.
It would be nice to show "Page x of xx" for the page #. It would also be nice to show the document revision # on the opposite side of the page number. Is there a good rundown out there how to handle/display document revisions?