Hello all,
I would like to change the header format for the Medium Length Professional CV shown below...
Link: http://www.latextemplates.com/template/ ... ssional-cv
PDF: http://www.latextemplates.com/templates ... 4/cv_4.pdf
... to the header format for ModernCV and Cover Letter (classic type) shown here.
Link: http://www.latextemplates.com/template/ ... ver-letter
PDF: http://www.latextemplates.com/templates ... lassic.pdf
The only thing I would change for the ModernCV header is take out the picture. I only require the "John Smith" name portion and the bits on the right that give your contact information. For everything else, I prefer the Pro CV style.
Any ideas?
I tried using the tabular thing below, but it doesn't look nearly as good.
\textbf{\Huge David Grant} & 604-555-5555\\
~ & davidgrant-at-gmail.com \\
~ & http://www.davidgrant.ca\\
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ How to change the header/title format in Medium Length Prof.
Re: How to change the header/title format in Medium Length P
Hi David,
I'd suggest it's not worth looking at the code of the ModernCV implementation of this since I just had a look and there's too many conditionals based on variables set elsewhere.
Instead, just open up the ModernCV header you like and then find the header in the pro CV and then play around with how to do 2-column layouts and you'll get it eventually. Off the top of my head you could try a table or minipage and then position each "cell" appropriately.
Good luck!
I'd suggest it's not worth looking at the code of the ModernCV implementation of this since I just had a look and there's too many conditionals based on variables set elsewhere.
Instead, just open up the ModernCV header you like and then find the header in the pro CV and then play around with how to do 2-column layouts and you'll get it eventually. Off the top of my head you could try a table or minipage and then position each "cell" appropriately.
Good luck!
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com