Page Layoutmoderncv last page - change formatting to scrlttr2

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moderncv last page - change formatting to scrlttr2

Post by chucrute »

Dear all,
I'm new in the latex world.
I'm trying to make a CV with the moderncv.tex template and I use the classic style.
The listings are looking very good and I know now howto make a "page break".
The problem for me now is the last page. I don't like the formatting. I would like the scrlttr2 formatting but I don't know how to change this from this page on.
Can someone help me please?


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moderncv last page - change formatting to scrlttr2

Post by Johannes_B »


i am a bit confused. You are referring to a file which we don't know.

scrlttr2 is a class to produce letters, which really does not work with moderncv.

If you want to add a letter to your cv, komacv along with package scrletter might be a good and valid alternative.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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