MiKTeX and proTeXthow does "\includegraphics[trim..." work?

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how does "\includegraphics[trim..." work?

Post by kammi »

Dear friends,

I'm using "\includegraphics[trim =..." to cut out parts of another pdf.

Code: Select all

		\includegraphics[trim = 6mm 60mm 306mm 18mm, clip, width=1.0\textwidth]{tables/MT_vs_Pusher_datamatrix.pdf} %links, unten, rechts, oben
	\caption[Datenanalyse ModulTherm]{Datenanalyse ModulTherm, eigene Darstellung}
Looks beautiful and works (nearly) well.
BUT: I still have access to the data from the invisible area, means in my final dpf, i can copy/past the invisible content of the pdf from which I included and trimmed the graphic.
Can u understand or should I make picture?

Any suggestions how to avoid? Sorry for my poor english...


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Re: how does "\includegraphics[trim..." work?

Post by Johannes_B »


the pdf is trimmed, i.e. the parts you don't want are hidden, but still in the pdf.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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how does "\includegraphics[trim..." work?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Sascha,

welcome to the forum!

Just a comment, as I see you are writing in German: you are also welcome to join us at our German partner site TeXwelt.de if you like. No problem to post in English here and in German there even for the same topic, just links should be added in case of cross-posts.

LaTeX.org admin
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