Community talkGet the LaTeX Cookbook and the Beginner's Guide for $5 each

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Get the LaTeX Cookbook and the Beginner's Guide for $5 each

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hello friends,

I'm happy to tell you that currently you can get both of my LaTeX books for just $5 each. This means the ebook versions of
The publisher allowed this offer to run until January 6, 2016. Then it will return to the normal price (I think the Cookbook was about $40).

Btw. any ebook you bought can be "upgraded" to the printed book, which costs only 50% of the print book.

There's a bigger campaign of the publisher, ebooks for $5 at this time at the end of the year, so you may find further IT books such as about programming and web design. I happily let my LaTeX books be part of it, to spread the word of LaTeX and to gather new LaTeX friends.

If you got it: I would be very interested in your opinion, if you liked it and what examples from the book you liked most. I would be happy about an email to or any forum post here. :-)

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Re: Get the LaTeX Cookbook and the Beginner's Guide for $5 e

Post by mas »

That is really nice of you :-)

But as I see it now, the Beginner's Guide is being sold for less than $5 (INR 250), but the Cookbook is still being offered at nearly $10 (INR 687).

Is there something that I am missing?

OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Get the LaTeX Cookbook and the Beginner's Guide for $5 e

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi mas,

I can see both for the same price. Depending on the country and the currency, one may see the Dollar price, Euro, or INR. I see 5.45 Euro, which is 4.98 Euro plus VAT (tax).

Though I wonder why you see two different prices. Perhaps send a screenshot? I could ask the publisher for a reason.

Stefan admin
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Get the LaTeX Cookbook and the Beginner's Guide for $5 each

Post by mas »

I have taken the screenshots of both the books.
s2.jpg (159.65 KiB) Viewed 18966 times
s1.jpg (149.68 KiB) Viewed 18966 times
I have uploaded full screen grabs so that the stuff is clearly seen.

OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim
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