I have classified questions by topics in different question banks for example qbank1.tex, qbank2.tex, qbank3.tex etc. I want to automate exam generating with command/solution that will randomly choose question from selected question bank, and input it to main document (exam class) after compiling. If I want to pick two question from one question bank in one exam, repeating must be avoid. I didn't find appropriate procedure to provide described work. Is there any idea how can I do that. Thank in advance for all answer.
Best regards.
General ⇒ Randomly exam question searching from question banks
Randomly exam question searching from question banks
This is a very general question. However, the exsheets package supports this (if I understood your question correctly).
site moderator & package author
Re: Randomly exam question searching from question banks
yes, thank you, that corresponding to my idea. Thanks a lot again.