Texmaker and TeXstudioError: File Not Found

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Error: File Not Found

Post by LaTexLearner »

I have been working on my documents for quite some time without any major problem. I was making small changes to the code then compiling, making more small changes and compiling again, then, out of nowhere, nothing is compiling and I'm getting the error message "File not found".

I have no idea what this is talking about or how to fix it. I didn't move or delete or rename any files, so what file can it not find?

What's going on?

Update 1: Now the program just appears frozen in "Process started" state.

Update 2: I should add that my files are synced by Dropbox and that I'm having similar problems on my laptop and desktop.
Last edited by LaTexLearner on Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Error: File Not Found

Post by Johannes_B »

With the amount of information given, it is impossible to help.

Did you check if the file is there? Which file is missing?
Can you show us the log file?
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Error: File Not Found

Post by LaTexLearner »

Johannes_B wrote:With the amount of information given, it is impossible to help.

Did you check if the file is there? Which file is missing?
Can you show us the log file?
I don't even know which file the program is talking about. I did not delete or move or rename anything. All the old folders are still in place. Just out of the blue, as I was coding/compiling, it worked a bunch of times, then, out of the blue, "File not found".

The .tex file opens. The "old" PDF is still there.

I'm not sure what you meant by "log file" but if you meant where the messages go on the bottom left of the UI, that no longer does anything. It just says "Process started" then freezes, and, a few minutes later, it crashes my computer.

If by "log file" you're referring to something else, please let me know how to get it and post it here.
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Re: Error: File Not Found

Post by Johannes_B »

The GUI shows you some extracts from the actual log-file, and in almost all cases, those extraxt are absolutely worthless. Show us the real log-file. Close the pdf. Especially adobe reader cannot work properly when it comes to LaTeX. Show us screeshots.
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Error: File Not Found

Post by LaTexLearner »

Johannes_B wrote:The GUI shows you some extracts from the actual log-file, and in almost all cases, those extraxt are absolutely worthless. Show us the real log-file. Close the pdf. Especially adobe reader cannot work properly when it comes to LaTeX. Show us screeshots.
What do you mean by "real log-file"?
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Error: File Not Found

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

That is the file in your document folder with the name extension .log. You can post it as attachment here.

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Error: File Not Found

Post by annier »

One of the solutions in texmaker related to Error:File Not Found is-->>
1. Options -> Configure TexMaker -->> TexMaker Commands

2. Change the PdfLatex from

Code: Select all

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode   %.tex

Code: Select all

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode  -pdf %.tex

and XeLatex from

Code: Select all

xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode   %.tex

Code: Select all

xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode  -pdf %.tex
These changes i.e. using ...-pdf %.tex and ... %.tex interchangeably is frequently required for Xelatex users with LatexMk

Yours Sincerely,
Anil Kunwar
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