Page LayoutCannot see page numbers

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Cannot see page numbers

Post by Fredo »

Hey there,

I am totally new to Latex. Apparently, I am using LyX, as it was a recommendation of a friend.
It's a good beginning, but anyway, I have some typical beginner problems.

First: My document doesn't show page numbers.

I have absolutely no idea of Latex, so please, just help. I have already tried looking in LyX help etc., but I found it easier just asking you guys.

My document class is: KOMA-Script Article. Actually I wanna write my Master thesis....
Here is some code I have put in the LateX preamble (I have it from some templates)

Code: Select all

\usepackage[english, ngerman, american]{babel} 
\usepackage{ %a4wide,
            ellipsis, fixltx2e, mparhack,   %Fehlerkorrektur für Marginalien
            booktabs, longtable             %schönere Tabellen

% schönerer Blocksatz!!

\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle
\ifpdf % if pdflatex is used

%set fonts for nicer pdf view
    \usepackage{courier} }

 % the pages of the TOC are numbered roman
 % and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added

Could you help, and tell me, where exactly I have to change something? I can give you whatever info you need about my document.
I am new, but I would like to learn. Please don't tell me that I should look into manuals or what so ever... I think just asking goes more easily and its definitely more helping... Some of the topics here already helped!

Thanks in advance!

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Cannot see page numbers

Post by Johannes_B »


the code pieces you show us are not related to missing page numbers and quite honestly, they are some really silly pieces of code. Typical beginners mistake of copying code from somewhere whithout knowing what it does.

LyX is a program for people knowing the basics of LaTeX, because LyX is pretty limited and you gotta know LaTeX to get your document right.

An article class is not the right choice for a thesis, as far as i have experienced. Report (or even book) classes are more suited.

I strongly recommend to read a general introduction to LaTeX. After a day or two of reading you will be prepared to use LaTeX efficiently.

By the way, i see your comments are in german, you may want to check out our partner sites goLaTeX and TeXwelt. :-)
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Re: Cannot see page numbers

Post by Fredo »

Well, thanks. Ok. That's an idea...
but not much of a help.
I will try reading that links.

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