MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsAcronym section showing abbreviation

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Acronym section showing abbreviation

Post by LeonardLopes »

I have a simple MWE where I have an acronym that I reference. The first time it puts out the full name with the acronym and every subsequent time it puts out just the acronym. Well that's all find and dandy, but when it puts out the acronym list, the title of the acronym is the abbreviation. I want the full name with the abbreviation to be there (i.e. "minimal working example (MWE)" instead of just "MWE"). It seems that the name of the glossary entry in the acronym section is tied to \glsentryname (I think).

Code: Select all

  description={A short example to illustrate a problem},
  long={minimal working example},
  first={minimal working example (\glsentryname{mwe})}
I've tried fiddling with the name of the acronym, short, long, etc. but can't seem to find the combination that results in my desired behavior.
Minimal working example
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Re: Acronym section showing abbreviation

Post by Johannes_B »

The list is for looking up the acronyms, consider CTAN which you used a few time in your document. The reader who wants to know the long form has to read through all the entries with C till he gets to Comprehensive TeX Archive Network. This might be quite some reading and the purpose of a fast lookup is gone.
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Re: Acronym section showing abbreviation

Post by LeonardLopes »

I understand what you are saying and it is probably a good point. I have checked the formatting requirements for the document I am generating and of course they don't have any.
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Re: Acronym section showing abbreviation

Post by LeonardLopes »

Is there a way to have the acronym first, then the length?

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Acronym section showing abbreviation

Post by LeonardLopes »

I have decided to go down this route: ... d-glossary

Thanks for your help!
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Acronym section showing abbreviation

Post by Johannes_B »

Define your own style and use it.

Code: Select all

	{Associated with sound, or more generally with mechanical wave propagation in a
	description={this is a long description},
%	long={},%no long form
	first={just for testing  (\glsentryname{ctan})}
	description={A short example to illustrate a problem},
	long={minimal working example},
	first={minimal working example (\glsentryname{mwe})}


      \glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\space ##2}%
    \glstarget{##2}{\strut}\glossentrydesc{##2}\glspostdescription\space ##3}%
\gls{mwe} and later just

\gls{ctan} and later just
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