TeXShopWrong Font in PDF figures

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Wrong Font in PDF figures

Post by sorame »

I have a Mac G5-Intel running 10.5.4, and the last version of Texshop. The problem is as follows:

A given PDF figure will display the wrong font in the preview window in Texshop. The same file, when opened with Acrobat, displays the correct font (that is, the font I used when I made the figure). The same file, when opened with the Preview application (the multiviewer in Mac OSX), displays the same incorrect font as the Texshop preview window.

The figures are plots I make with Igor, and I save the plots into EPS. Using Preview application to convert to PDF, or using the "epstopdf" command line both produce a PDF with the wrong font. However, processing the EPS with Acrobat Distiller produces the ritght font in the PDF.

The problem never occurred in my older Mac Power PC running 10.4 with the appropriate Texshop version. In my new Intel Mac, there was a trouble-free couple of weeks after I got the machine and installed MacTex. Today was the first time the problem happened to me.

The problem doesn't happen when I take my .tex and pdf figures to a colleague's identical machine.

Any ideas?


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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:36 am

Wrong Font in PDF figures

Post by sorame »

sorame wrote:I have a Mac G5-Intel running 10.5.4, and the last version of Texshop. The problem is as follows:

A given PDF figure will display the wrong font in the preview window in Texshop. The same file, when opened with Acrobat, displays the correct font (that is, the font I used when I made the figure). The same file, when opened with the Preview application (the multiviewer in Mac OSX), displays the same incorrect font as the Texshop preview window.
Added tip: figures that display wrong font in the TexShop preview window are rendered correctly when the PDF Latex output is opened in Acrobat.
sorame wrote:The figures are plots I make with Igor, and I save the plots into EPS. Using Preview application to convert to PDF, or using the "epstopdf" command line both produce a PDF with the wrong font. However, processing the EPS with Acrobat Distiller produces the ritght font in the PDF.

The problem never occurred in my older Mac Power PC running 10.4 with the appropriate Texshop version. In my new Intel Mac, there was a trouble-free couple of weeks after I got the machine and installed MacTex. Today was the first time the problem happened to me.

The problem doesn't happen when I take my .tex and pdf figures to a colleague's identical machine.

Any ideas?

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