MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and AcronymsTrouble changing glossaries style

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Trouble changing glossaries style

Post by LeonardLopes »

I am having trouble removing an extra period from the altlist glossary style in the glossaries package. Basically, the glossaries package places a period at the end of the description. This is problematic if the description contains a reference (which has to go after the period). Here is a MWE:

Code: Select all



    {Associated with sound, or more generally with mechanical wave propagation in a






and the reference.bib file

Code: Select all

  author={C. L. Morfey},
  title={Dictionary of Acoustics},
  address={Harcourt Place, 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK},
  publisher = {Academic Press}
After running pdflatex, bibtex, makeglossaries,pdflatex,pdflatex, you get the attached, MWE.pdf. Notice the double period at the end of the glossary description. I have skimmed the glossaries documentation where they have an example of redefining the list glossary style ( ... s-user.pdf), but to be honest this might as well be written in Chinese (which I don't understand). It seems that it would be trivial to find that dot and delete it, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Minimum working example of extra period in altlist glossary style.
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Trouble changing glossaries style

Post by Johannes_B »

Once you know how LaTeX works, solving this isue is a matter of three minutes. Locate the glossaries package code, find the style file that contains the style, take a look at the specific style and notice: There is a macro \glspostdescription. Renewing this to be empty solves your issue. I haven't checked, though, if there might be other things that now work unexpected.

Code: Select all



	{Associated with sound, or more generally with mechanical wave propagation in a






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Trouble changing glossaries style

Post by LeonardLopes »

Thank you. I was reluctant to modify the glossary distribution, but in my document, I placed:

Code: Select all


This is taken from the following in glossaries.sty:

Code: Select all

  \ifglsnopostdot\else.\spacefactor\sfcode`\. \fi
Now, the only problem I have is the acronyms are in the abbreviated form in the glossaries....
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Re: Trouble changing glossaries style

Post by LeonardLopes »

I assume that I could set \glsnopostdot, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.
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Trouble changing glossaries style

Post by Johannes_B »

Don't fiddle with space factors.

You can also add this instead of renewing any macros: \glsnopostdottrue.
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Re: Trouble changing glossaries style

Post by LeonardLopes »

That was it! Thanks a lot, you've ended about a day of banging my head on a wall... now for the next wall...
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Trouble changing glossaries style

Post by nlct »

The simplest method, which no one has mentioned so far, is to use the nopostdot package option:

Code: Select all

This setting can also be used on a per-glossary basis:

Code: Select all

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