1. This is a great template!!
2. I would like to add my name on all pages but first in a header or footer so that the subsequent pages are easy to connect to me in case they get lost at the employer's. I'm using the classic (with picture) and banking (w/o pic) styles.
I see that moderncv.cls does have fancyhdr and makes a footnote but the syntax of that block is way too complicated so if the author would like to explain how to modify it that'd be great!
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ how to include name on each page in moderncv
Re: how to include name on each page in moderncv
I was able to do this myself. For other interested readers, I added the following at line number 163 in moderncv.cls
\fancyfoot[l]{\parbox{10cm}{\color{color2}\addressfont\strut \@firstname{}~\@familyname{}~~\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}}
I also added \thispagestyle{empty} to my document to remove the footers from first page.
\fancyfoot[l]{\parbox{10cm}{\color{color2}\addressfont\strut \@firstname{}~\@familyname{}~~\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}}
I also added \thispagestyle{empty} to my document to remove the footers from first page.