Fonts & Character Setsccfonts compiles with LaTeX => PDF, not LaTeX => PS => PDF

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ccfonts compiles with LaTeX => PDF, not LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by mattlorig »

My apologies in advance if this should have been posted in a different forum.

I used Texniccenter/Miktek/Sumatra to write/complile/view LaTeX documents. This works without problems on most files. However, when I try to use the font package
if I complile using the standard LaTeX => PS => PDF option, then the text in the PDF is invisible (no warning or errors appear). This problem is solved if I used LaTeX => PDF to compile the document. However, I typiclly save figures as eps files. So, for this, I need to complie with LaTeX => PS => PDF.

1. Can anybody identify the problem with compiling using LaTeX => PS => PDF when the ccfonts package is installed?

2. Is there a fix for this?

Minimum working example follows.

Code: Select all


This is a sample of text followed by a sample of mathematics.
\mathbf{B}(P)=\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\int\frac{\mathbf{I}\times\hat{r}'}{r'^2}dl = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\,I\!\int\frac{d\boldsymbol{l}\times\hat{r}'}{r'^2}

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Re: ccfonts compiles with LaTeX => PDF, not LaTeX => PS => P

Post by Johannes_B »

Did you try running the whole document with pdflatex (i.e. latex -> pdf).

All modern distributions should allow converting all eps-files in the background to pdf and use these instead.
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Re: ccfonts compiles with LaTeX => PDF, not LaTeX => PS => P

Post by mattlorig »

When I use
LaTeX -> PDF
I get the following error

"LaTeX Error: unkonw graphics extension: .eps."

I suppose if I just make a habit of saving figures as PDFs, LaTeX --> PDF would work just fine.
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Re: ccfonts compiles with LaTeX => PDF, not LaTeX => PS => P

Post by Johannes_B »

There is a script available to convert all your eps files in a document to pdf (that should be the default in the background). Or save your files in pdf-format from now on ;-)

I ran your example with pdflatex as a test. It took a few seconds to compile the fonts from the source. Then i tested in dvi-mode, no problem, no error, no warning. Conversion to pdf (via ps) was just fine. Did you try to do it via this route after doing the pdflatex run?
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Re: ccfonts compiles with LaTeX => PDF, not LaTeX => PS => P

Post by mattlorig »

Thanks very much for taking the time to help me with this Johannes_B.

I typically make plots in Mathematica. And I can save everything as a PDF from now on. I thought it was best practice to save everything as eps, since these are vector-based graphics. But, I guess PDF is as well. So, there shouldn't be any loss in quality.

However, when I try to run
LaTeX -> PDF
on a larger document (again, using the ccfonts package) I get the following error:

"pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only available with scalable fonts" (*)

If I run the same document with
LuaLaTeX -> PDF
XeLaTeX -> PDF
I have no difficulties.

I searched google for a solution to (*) and found some suggestions that this could be fixed by including
However, both of those are in my document already. So, that is not the issue.

This new issue, however, my not be relatex to the ccfonts package since I can use the ccfonts package on the minimal working example I posted.
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Re: ccfonts compiles with LaTeX => PDF, not LaTeX => PS => P

Post by Johannes_B »

the pdf format is also vector based. Some programs are cheating here, though. They put a raster graphic into a pdf file. No high quality here. If Mathematica is doing this, i don't know.

Can you try to reduce that font error to a minimal document and open a new thrad for that?
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