I used Texniccenter/Miktek/Sumatra to write/complile/view LaTeX documents. This works without problems on most files. However, when I try to use the font package
if I complile using the standard LaTeX => PS => PDF option, then the text in the PDF is invisible (no warning or errors appear). This problem is solved if I used LaTeX => PDF to compile the document. However, I typiclly save figures as eps files. So, for this, I need to complie with LaTeX => PS => PDF.
1. Can anybody identify the problem with compiling using LaTeX => PS => PDF when the ccfonts package is installed?
2. Is there a fix for this?
Minimum working example follows.
Code: Select all
This is a sample of text followed by a sample of mathematics.
\mathbf{B}(P)=\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\int\frac{\mathbf{I}\times\hat{r}'}{r'^2}dl = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\,I\!\int\frac{d\boldsymbol{l}\times\hat{r}'}{r'^2}