Page LayoutAdding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

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Adding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

Post by Cham »

I would like to add something fancy to the chapter title (first page) : the chapter's number in very big, light gray, just under the chapter number or title, in the upper-left corner, and without removing the standard chapter number above the title. Here's the minimal working code example I would like to use :

Code: Select all



\chapter{A chapter title}
\section{Some section title}

Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla.  Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla.

Here's a preview of what I would like to achieve (approximately) :
chapter.jpg (54.6 KiB) Viewed 8900 times
Any idea how to do this ?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Adding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Cham,

this should be possible with titlesec too. I have another idea: creating a chapter page style, which prints the chapter counter at a fixed position on the page, using TikZ and the background layer with the current page node.

Just as first thoughts, today I'm too busy to write the code down, but tomorrow or the following day should be possible.

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Adding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

Post by rais »

here's an idea using titlesec's \titleformat:

Code: Select all

\titleformat{\chapter}[display]% shape
  {\huge\bfseries}% format
  {% label
      }% /raisebox
    }% /makebox
  }% label
  {12pt}% sep
  {}% before-code

\chapter{A chapter title}
\section{Some section title}

Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla.  Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla Bla bla bla blabla blablabla bla blabla.

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Adding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

Post by Cham »

This code is working, thanks ! :)

I'm using this line modification for a better looking font (not sure yet ?) :

Code: Select all

Is there another/better way of doing this chapter style ?

The code given above change the size of the "Chapter #", above the chapter's title. I prefer to keep the original size and disposition, with just the chapter's number below.
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Re: Adding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

Post by Cham »

So what happens to the size of the first line ("Chapter 14"), which is bigger with the previous code than with the first one ? Just compare the overleaf previews from both codes.

I would like to have exactly the same sizes and disposition from the first code, and add the chapter's number under both lines.
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Adding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

Post by Johannes_B »

book.cls uses \huge and \Huge sizes for the chapter heads, which are exactly the same for a 12 pt base font size. Package titlesec uses \Large for the chaptertitlename and the number, at least i guess so, i haven't actually checked.

Code: Select all

\titleformat{\chapter}[display]% shape
{\Huge\bfseries}% format
{% label
		}% /raisebox
	}% /makebox
	{\LARGE\chaptertitlename~\thechapter}%default would be huge
}% label
{12pt}% sep
{}% before-code

\chapter{A chapter title}
\section{Some section title}


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Re: Adding a BIG chapter number under the chapter title

Post by Cham »

Thanks a lot. :)

I'll try to play a bit with this.
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