I am wanting to use Latex for doing our annual proceedings. I have the document class "article" all prepared for each person submitting their paper. I need to put them all together in a proceedings book with Table of Contents, index, etc. I'm having a heck of time doing that. Looking at the "proc" document class and combine but very little on those. I am a computer programmer by trade so I'm not afraid of having to write my own package. But you'd think this would have been solved. Perhaps a new package that takes articles and creates its own table of contents. That seems like it would be a lot of coding.
Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
David de Hilster
Boca Raton, Florida
Document Classes ⇒ Proceedings Book with Articles
Re: Proceedings Book with Articles
The memoir class has the configuration options required to produce a high-quality book (in my experience). The learning curve was substantial, but I'm pleased with the typesetting for my first book, to be published soon. There may be issues associated with aggregating LaTeX-formatted content provided by multiple authors that I can't comment on because I've never done it. Good luck! 

Proceedings Book with Articles
Create a single book class document, such as:
For each paper to be included:
Each paper's individual file does not have its own preamble or \begin{document} or \end{document}, but rather starts with its own \chapter command. They are not meant to be stand-alone documents, but rather to be included into the one final document.
This may also be done with the memoir style instead of book, and there are a few packages which will help with chapter-wide table of contents and such.
The proc package adds definitions for the title page and abstract of each paper. You may copy those, come up with your own, or use the proc package directly instead of book.
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass{book}... preamble\begin{document}... front matter such as copyright page, table of contents, list of figures, etc.\include{first_paper_filename}\include{second_paper_filename}... additional chapters for additional papers... any back matter such as index, etc.\end{document}
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\chapter{The Paper's Title}... the additional paper's contents
This may also be done with the memoir style instead of book, and there are a few packages which will help with chapter-wide table of contents and such.
The proc package adds definitions for the title page and abstract of each paper. You may copy those, come up with your own, or use the proc package directly instead of book.
Brian Dunn