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Information and discussion about LyX, a WYSIWYM editor, available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X systems.
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Can't connect to

Post by SFSecurity »

I've been trying for two days. Is there another site I can download it from?

Also, is there a book for LyX like the LaTeX Beginners Guide, or Cookbook?



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Can't connect to

Post by daiYuTsung »

I tried again, and it still doesn't work >"<

If you use Google Cache ... clnk&gl=us
you can get the URL for LyX download from, and it seems that their FTP works.

LyX has very good help files with various languages. They also have a wiki at which has some additional information not in the help file.

One of the tips for using help files is to select "Find & Replace (Advenced)... Ctrl+Shift+F" in the menu, and in the "Settings" tap. You may setup to search "All manuals". This is particularly useful when you don't know which part of the manual has the function you are looking for ^_^
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Can't connect to

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I also noticed that the web site is down: ... 19&t=26808

Good advice with the FTP server! Interesting that it's running. So it may just the web server or a database service for the web site.

For some LyX users, there comes a time when they learn LaTeX in addition, for advanced things. Maybe then you can use the cookbook. Or in addition such as for graphics within LyX, as LyX bases on LaTeX. But it's an interesting idea, to write a guide for LyX.

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Re: Can't connect to

Post by daiYuTsung »

It works now : )

I basically learned LyX by reading
"Introduction to LyX"
"The LyX Tutorial"
in their help files... I think you may start typing something after read these two~~
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Can't connect to

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

daiYuTsung wrote:It works now : )
That's great!
daiYuTsung wrote:I basically learned LyX by reading
"Introduction to LyX"
"The LyX Tutorial"
in their help files... I think you may start typing something after read these two~~
Good recommendation! Do you have links to these documents?

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Can't connect to

Post by scottkosty »

Stefan_K wrote:
daiYuTsung wrote:It works now : )
daiYuTsung wrote:I basically learned LyX by reading
"Introduction to LyX"
"The LyX Tutorial"
in their help files... I think you may start typing something after read these two~~
Good recommendation! Do you have links to these documents?

These can be accessed in the Help menu from within LyX.
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