GeneralWhat are your favorite LaTeX resources?

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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Meta002 »

I have accumulated about 100 hours of experience typesetting with LaTeX. Nevertheless, sometimes I still feel like a beginner. :D So far, whenever I've run into a problem, I've been able to solve it by checking my favorite resources (listed in no particular order):
+ book (PDF): LaTeX For Novices
+ book (PDF): LaTeX Unofficial Reference Manual
+ book (PDF): Not-So-Short Introduction to LaTeX
+ book (paper): Guide to LaTeX, 4th Ed
+ memoir manual
+ package-specific manuals
+ google it

Anyone have any favorite resources not on my list?

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Johannes_B »

You forgot The LaTeX companion ;-)

General rule of thumb: Google, forums and others are fine for first ideas when searching for a problem solution, but since stuff can get old, you should always confirm a solution by looking at the package manual.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Meta002 »

I purchased The Latex Companion, 2nd Edition as a PDF download from Pearson for $20 at If the book saves me just one hour of work in the future it will be worth the purchase price. Thanks for the hint.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

In September there will be a new book available: the LaTeX Cookbook. I wrote it, currently it's in the review phase before it goes to print and ebook / PDF / kindle. It might save you an hour too. It's recipe based, showing by examples how to get things done.

Btw. one of my favorite resources is I did not update it for a while, due to much work and due to focusing on finishing my book. But friends and I already collected stuff for a bigger update coming soon.

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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Johannes_B »

Another book that might be useful for you, is the featured book on the right column. It is also written by Stefan: LaTeX beginners guide.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Meta002 »

Stefan_K wrote:In September there will be a new book available: the LaTeX Cookbook. I wrote it, currently it's in the review phase before it goes to print and ebook / PDF / kindle. It might save you an hour too. It's recipe based, showing by examples how to get things done.
Sounds good. In my experience, a single good example is worth more than pages of theoretical discussion. :D
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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Meta002 »

Stefan: I am interested in your book (the LaTeX Cookbook). My next project may involve fairly complex computer graphics, and I wonder whether I can use LaTeX as a rendering engine rather than develop my own custom graphics software on MacOS. I haven't investigated this yet.

On the publisher's website, only the eBook option is shown. Is a print version going to be available?

P.S. In English, questions have answers and problems have solutions. If I were editing your book, I would change your subtitle to either:
(1) Quick answers to common questions; or
(2) Quick solutions to common problems.
I like (2) best.

I am editing my first book now (an arduous process), so I am in a very picky mood. 99.999% of people who consider buying your book won't care about the subtitle.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Thanks for your suggestion!

Indeed, I recently suggested to change the subtitle to: "Quick solutions to common tasks". Do you think too this may be the best choice? Because the book is like task - solution - explanation. Indeed no problem, no question.

Yes, there will be a print version. I don't have an idea why you cannot see it. Hm, I can click "Print + ebook" there.

Btw. on a quickly made website I showed something, As much as I could implement there in a short time.

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Re: What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Meta002 »

My mistake. The publisher's website design is confusing - I thought that the 'Print + eBook' option is disabled (shown in light gray). It's not.

"Quick solutions for common tasks" sounds OK in English, but there might be something even better. Your proposal is better than "Quick solutions to common problems", since some people may not want to buy a book filled with problems. :)
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What are your favorite LaTeX resources?

Post by Brian_D »


Code: Select all

command is very useful.
Brian Dunn
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