LyXFootnote font size in lyx

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Footnote font size in lyx

Post by np2333 »


I am trying to compile a document with footnotes. I would like to change the footnote font size. I have tried multiple ways of doing this by adding commands in the preamble but none of these work. Any help would be greatly appreicated

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Re: Footnote font size in lyx

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome,

the best way of doing this depends on the documentclass in use. Are you already loading a package that customizes footnotes? Those information would be very very helpful.
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Re: Footnote font size in lyx

Post by np2333 »

Thanks. I am using the document class "article". A minimal example file is attached. Any help wo be greatly appreciated.
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Footnote font size in lyx

Post by Johannes_B »

Exporting your document to human-readable and comfortable LaTeX code, i see two things: I completely messed up preamble and the following:

Code: Select all

{\large{}I am trying to get the footnotes to appear in a smaller font
\footnote{{\large{}But as you can see, this font size is the same as the main
}{\large{}This can be done manually,}%
\footnote{{\large{}By highlighting, right clicking and adjusting the font size
for each footnote inducidually}%
}{\large{} but I am looking for a way to do this for hte document as
a whole, possibly with a command added in the preamble.}
There isn't really a surprise seeing the footnotes being typeset with a large font if this is what you clicked.
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Re: Footnote font size in lyx

Post by np2333 »

Thanks. I highlighted the entire text and clicked large because I want the main text to appear large. But doing this automatically makes the footnotes large as well. Is there a way to include something in my preamble to make sure that the command large does not apply to footnotes but only to the main text
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Footnote font size in lyx

Post by Johannes_B »

Well, no.

But i am not sure if your approach is the right one. You want to set the whole document large, which for a standard article document is 12 pt. You can set the default size of text by using the global option 12pt.

This typesets your normal text with 12 pt, but also the footnotes get larger. From a former 9 pt to now 10 pt.
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Re: Footnote font size in lyx

Post by np2333 »

Sorry, I did not follow your suggestion. All I am trying to do is to have the footnotes appear in a smaller font size than the main text (as requested by an editor), and I wish to do so without manually changing the fontsize of all ( ~50 ) footnotes. Surely there has to be a way to do this I would imagine!
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Footnote font size in lyx

Post by Johannes_B »

This is the standard bhaviour, but you kicked that in the nards by placing large everywhere. Revert that. You want the main font to be larger, do so in a sane way. Place 12pt as the global option for the document class in the document properties.
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Re: Footnote font size in lyx

Post by np2333 »

Perfect! Problem solved, thanks a lot!
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Re: Footnote font size in lyx

Post by synred »

What happened do changing font and size by 'selecting' text in a word-like way? I pretty sure 'lyx' use to allow this ...

It' very hand, if, e.g., you want to insert a long quotation in bold or italics and a different size.

I'm pasting things in from a PDF document and they come out in too small a font I need to change. I can avoid the problem by pasting into the middle of some already exist text, but it seems like I should be able to change a piece.

Same thing would by useful for footnotes. I find they're too small for my old-goat eyes and like to increase them too ..,

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