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cannot generate document

Post by pacu »

I am new to latex. The template works great in Overleaf. However I cannot generate a pdf file locally. I tried to quick compile in TexMaker but I get the message "process exited with error(s)" and no errors are displayed. The pdf file is not created. I also tried generating a pdf and dvi in TexnicCenter, I get no compile errors or warnings but the pdf file is not generated. I attach the log file. I checked that both editors are able to generate a pdf from the attached biblio.tex file.
Both editors work with this
(2.24 KiB) Downloaded 683 times
MikTex log
(20.52 KiB) Downloaded 736 times

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cannot generate document

Post by Johannes_B »


what you have posted is not enough. You posted a single bibliography-tex, which is kinda wrong by the way. Have a look at biblatex instead.

And you posted an incomplete log-file. It doesn't contain any errors.

Best would be to provide a minimal working example that shows the issue.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Re: cannot generate document

Post by pacu »

1. The whole point is that no compile errors are issued by the Tex editors. The pdf files are smply not made.
2. I only uploaded the biblio.tex file as an indication that my editors are not wrongly set up - they can generate a pdf from that file.
3. I don't know how to provide a working example. I cannot generate a pdf from the original template downloaded from ... ory-report . Are you able to recreate the issue?
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cannot generate document

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Pacu,

welcome to the forum! A Infominimal working example actually means "working for reproducing the problem", not working in the meaning of being compilable. So you could post a reduced (but theoretically complete) copy of your document which doesn't compile.

Yes, the .log file is incomplete. This shows that the LaTeX compiler run was not finished. It must have stopped with an error. Please have a close look what happens, and press the return key if it stops, at least to get a complete log file.

Stefan admin
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