Presentations and PostersDisplay and Hide Text works not correct

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Display and Hide Text works not correct

Post by loro »

I'm pretty new in Latex and have some questions. I made an interactive PFD Formular and want to display or hide some text and Textfields in an table.

Hide an Dispaly works not realy - I can hide or display the text but not the Font-Style.The Text "Maximaler Durchmesser" and "Länge x Breite" is written in an a different font and size.

How can I prevent that different fonts are used or is this a wrong approach?

This is my example.

Code: Select all

\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} % Use A4 paper with a 11pt font size article

\usepackage[left=1.2cm,right=0.75cm,top=1.3cm,bottom=0.75cm,marginparwidth=0.5cm]{geometry} % Adjust page margins
\usepackage{tabularx} %Required for table 
\usepackage{textcomp} %Requierd for mue Symbole

\newcommand{\vtspace}{-1.05em} % add a new row (with negativ value) to table row so that the Text Fields do not overlap
\newcommand{\bcolor}{0.95 0.4 0.12} %bordercolor 
\newcommand{\bwidth}{0.5pt} %borderwith

\newcommand{\ttfw}{25mm} %13
\newcommand{\TableTextField}[2][]{\TextField[#1, borderwidth=\bwidth, width=\ttfw,borderstyle=U]{#2}}

Bauform:\ChoiceMenu[radio,name=prfrage, radiosymbol=4,onfocus={anim.baufrom.frameNum=1;anim.tfbauform.frameNum=1;}]{}{\phantom{.}=rechteckig} rechteckig\hspace{1.5cm}
\ChoiceMenu[radio,name=prfrage, radiosymbol=4,onfocus={anim.baufrom.frameNum=2;anim.tfbauform.frameNum=2;}]{}{\phantom{.}=round} rund\\%

\\*[\vtspace] \begin{animateinline}[nomouse,step,label=baufrom]{0}%
Nichts soll hier stehen aber auch
Maximaler Durchmesser%	
L\"ange x Breite
Maximale H\"ohe:&\TableTextField[name=maxh]{}&mm\\%\hline%
\\*[\vtspace]Maximales Gewicht: &\TableTextField[name=maxgew]{}&kg&
Maximale Temperatur:&\TableTextField[name=maxtemp]{}& C\textdegree%\hline%

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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