MiKTeX and proTeXtdifferent orientations with different latex versions

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different orientations with different latex versions

Post by pbopp »

I get different orientations (landscape, as it should be, vs portrait) with 2 different versions of LaTeX with the same (except text, see attached pdf, with
give the output of the latex .v commands) .tex input file

latex dvips ps2pdf kpdf
latex xdvi
latex dvips gv

all give the same results

The wo differing pdfs are in the included zip file,
which also contains the .tex sourc-filee
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LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
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Re: different orientations with different latex versions

Post by Johannes_B »


you included two tex-files but didn't indicate which produces the old output. On the other hand, one of the tex-files is actually a zip-file.

Can you please update your example with unique file names?
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