BibTeX, biblatex and biberReferences no sorting. List as entered in .bib file

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References no sorting. List as entered in .bib file

Post by oozypal »


I am trying to solve a problem I faced with my Prof. when we tried to publish one paper. The issue was that Latex sort the references either by alphabetical order or by the way they were referenced in the paper. My Prof. is old and sometimes when he make notes for me, he writes, "Add Ref. 32 here". Unfortunately, Ref. 32 is no longer 32 because I added other references to .bib. Therefore, I thought that I would keep the references number as they are entered in the .bib file so they keep their number until the paper is ready to be submitted.

My question is how to make latex list references as they were entered in the .bib without sorting whatsoever?

Note: I am using bibtex.

Thank you

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References no sorting. List as entered in .bib file

Post by rais »

A \nocite{*} before the first \cite command in combination with one of the unsrt styles might do what you want.

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Re: References no sorting. List as entered in .bib file

Post by Johannes_B »


I'm not sure this is possible. And i don't think beeing an old professor is an excuse for ambiguity ;-)

Prepare a standalone document with a numbered bibliography. Use this as a reference point for both of you. It will not change and the references will stay the same.
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References no sorting. List as entered in .bib file

Post by oozypal »

rais wrote: A \nocite{*} before the first \cite command in combination with one of the unsrt styles might do what you want.
This did the trick.
Johannes_B wrote: I'm not sure this is possible. And i don't think beeing an old professor is an excuse for ambiguity ;-)
Johannes, have ever tried to teach an old dog a new trick? :lol: :lol:

With this trick I can keep references with the same number until we are done then I will remove this code to bring everything back to normal.

Code: Select all

At any rate, I, wholeheartedly, thank both of you.

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