I've been using LaTex on my iPad for the last year or more to write Turabian papers, but when I switched to a Macbook using MacTex, I've encountered some formatting issues, including one that I haven't been able to figure out. The one I need help on is how to increase the margin space between the last footnote and the bottom of the page. I'm getting a margin of around .5in when I typeset, and I need a margin of 1in (except on a page when the text doesn't fill the page, in which case the footnotes need to come directly below the text rather than at the bottom of the page.). Can anyone help?
the class you are using is on CTAN and available in TeX Live as well as MikTeX. It is licensed under the LPPL, so you are not allowed to change the class file without renaming it. I deleted the attachment and introduced your changes to the tex-file.
Running your example i can see one thing: It does not compile, a lot of the commands you are using are non standard and i have not the slightest idea where they come from.
Are you trying to do the table of contents by hand? LaTeX does it for you by just using one command.
Also, why are your formatting your sections by hand? LaTeX does that for you.
Did you read an introduction to LaTeX?
Please make your example compilable so we can reproduce the issue.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Thanks for the help. I don't understand LaTex well, and I am only using it for Turabian papers. The examples compile without any problems on my end (the only formatting issue is the margin space on the footnotes), so I'm not sure what to do to make them compilable? If there's no easy answer on the footnote issue, then I'll just keep using the Tex program on my iPad only. It formats the papers perfectly from that program. Thanks for the time and the help.