Here is the MWE, showing both the problem and my ungainly hack (loses right-justification of the text). Does anyone know the correct way to do this?
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Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass[11pt]{memoir}\usepackage{graphics}\usepackage{fontspec}\setmainfont{LucidaBright}\newfontfamily\menlosc[Scale=0.9]{Menlo}\newcommand{\TBFN}[1]{{\menlosc #1}}\settypeoutlayoutunit{in}\typeoutlayout\setstocksize{10in}{7in}\settrimmedsize{\stockheight}{\stockwidth}{*}\settypeblocksize{7.4in}{5.0in}{*}\setlrmargins{0.7in}{*}{*}\setulmargins{1in}{*}{*}\setheadfoot{0.2in}{0.8in}\setheaderspaces{0.5in}{*}{*}\checkandfixthelayout\begin{document}\noindent Problem: unattractive interword kerning inside the sets :\begin{itemize}\item For the xxxxx ‘\TBFN{β ∈ \{CIR DMD CRS\}}’, the set \TBFN{\{CIR DMD CRS\}} is called the \emph{xxxxxxxxxx}.\item When the xxxxx ‘\TBFN{β ∈ \{CIR DMD CRS\}}’ is employed as a xxxxxxxxxx, the xxxxxxxxxx is called the \emph{xxxxxxxxxx}.\end{itemize}\noindent My hack. it works, but lack of right justification looks ugly:\begin{itemize}\item For the xxxxx ‘\TBFN{β ∈ \{CIR DMD CRS\}}’, the set \TBFN{\{CIR DMD CRS\}} \\ is called the \emph{xxxxxxxxxx}.\item When the xxxxx ‘\TBFN{β ∈ \{CIR DMD CRS\}}’ is employed as a \\ xxxxxxxxxx, the xxxxxxxxxx is called the \emph{xxxxxxxxxx}.\end{itemize}\end{document}