The current v1.5 acro package (, not the same as the also-popular acronym package) does not have an acronym invocation that automatically takes care of the possessive case, i.e., when the noun for which the acronym is followed immediately by an apostrophe "s". Some web search reveals some material that might be adaptable to handle the case, e.g., ... g-commands, but adapting it to the acro package will require much more knowledge of tex programming under-the-hood than I currently have. I realize that the knowledge can be acquired, but unfortunately, I have to make choices based on my timelines as well. This means rewording an otherwise efficiently constructed sentence to avoid apostrophe "s".
Would this be trivial for someone to adapt for the acro package?
This has been posted to: ... 15&t=24989 ... ostrophe-s
Others ⇒ Acro package: Handling possessive case (apostrophe s)
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- Joined: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:48 pm
Acro package: Handling possessive case (apostrophe s)
Here's my answer on
Since v2.0acro
has a concept of endings. It handles the plural forms this way and allows the definition of additional endings:
This defines a lower level commandCode: Select all
which can be used to define newacro
commands and defines a number of options to set the endings individually for certain acronyms.
Here is a complete example that also shows how to define suitable commands foracro
Note that several endings can't really be applied to an acronym. If we were to defineCode: Select all
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{acro} \ProvideAcroEnding {possessive} {'s} {'s} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewAcroCommand \acg { \acro_possessive: \acro_use:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \acsg { \acro_possessive: \acro_short:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \aclg { \acro_possessive: \acro_long:n {#1} } \ExplSyntaxOff \DeclareAcronym{MP}{ short = MP , long = Member of Parliament , long-plural-form = Members of Parliament , long-possessive-form = Member's of Parliament } \DeclareAcronym{cd}{ short = CD , long = compact disc } \begin{document} first: \acg{cd}; \acg{MP} short: \acsg{cd}; \acsg{MP} long: \aclg{cd}; \aclg{MP} \end{document}
we'd get CDs's…Code: Select all
\NewAcroCommand \acpg { \acro_possessive: \acro_plural: \acro_use:n {#1} }
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