Page LayoutPage numbers are overlapping with text?

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Page numbers are overlapping with text?

Post by rynchor »

I am using the memoir class for my thesis. I am supposed to put the page numbers 1/2" down from the top of the page and 1" in from the right side of the page (so upper right hand corner).

Right now I am using this to get the page numbers in the right place:

Code: Select all

However, the page numbers are overlapping with the first line of text on the page. It looks like my margins currently are 1", and the page numbers are being put right at the same height as the first line.

My question is, how do I get the page number only 1/2" down from the top, but still have a 1" margin to where the text begins?

Thanks for any help! And I apologize if this is a trivial question.

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Page numbers are overlapping with text?

Post by Johannes_B »

The question is not trivial, it requires some sample code. What you are describing is not the default (that would be strange), so there is something special going on in your document. There is an easy and mechanical way to find that out: Creating a minimal example. Once you know where the behaviour is coming from, we can fix it.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Page numbers are overlapping with text?

Post by rynchor »

Thanks for the reply: in creating a minimal example, I found what was causing the problem. I was using the fullpage package, when instead I should have been doing this:

Code: Select all

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