Text Formattingheadings in endnote

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headings in endnote

Post by psw1937 »

I want to produce two versions of a book, one with footnotes and the other with endnotes. I'm using the endnote package to convert the footnotes to endnotes to produce the second version. But I need to alter the text on the heading and get the headers on each page to look the same for the endnotes as the other chapters in the book. For example, currently the heading says "Notes", say I wish to change this to "Myheading which is underlined" and then have "something else" appear in the headers of the pages on which the endnotes themselves appear. Is there a simple way to do this?


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Stefan Kottwitz
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headings in endnote

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Changing the name is simple:

Code: Select all

Using \markboth you could adjust the headings, such as in this sample:

Code: Select all

\markboth{this and that}{something else}
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 2ex
This is the relevant definition in endnotes.sty:

Code: Select all

You see, a standard section without numbering would be used, and the headers are set, but with \MakeUppercase. You could remove it in a redefinition.

So, redefinitions may look like, in your own preamble:

Code: Select all

The \@afterindenttrue is to get the paragraph indentation like for any following line.

Your end notes may then look like the other headings in your document, with default article settings like:
endnotes.png (11.66 KiB) Viewed 4153 times
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headings in endnote

Post by psw1959 »

Thanks Stefan. The quick and dirty way I got what I want is to renamed \notename as you suggested and then I created a myendnotes.sty file by changing lines 373-376 in the standard endnotes.sty file from

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

This seems to give me what I want, the label just lets me get a page number in the table of contents, so I thank you and I sure my publisher will thank you as well!!
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