GeneralFormatting a page with many small math problems

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Formatting a page with many small math problems

Post by Johannes_B »

Did i understand you correct? You want the numbering scheme to be question.task)?

Certainly doable, but it will make everything look crowded and i guess your students will get the grips with current numbering scheme. ;-)
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Formatting a page with many small math problems

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Xiphias wrote:that did not do anything it seems.
I don't have your code so I cannot test it. Your code example from above is different and it doesn't contain a question counter. Perhaps post an updated minimal example with the current status.

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Formatting a page with many small math problems

Post by Xiphias »

I want the nice environment of tasks in terms of spacing and being able to sort problems without having to change any numbers, but I would like to be able to have the questions be numbered according to sections as this will end up as a longer compendium.

Here is some current minimal code:

Code: Select all

\title{Oppgaver 2P}
\chapter{Potenser og tall på Standardform}
\section{Negative tall}
\task  $2+(-1) $ 
\task $2-3 $
\task $1-3 $ 
\task $-3+4 $
\task $-5+2 $ 
\task $-1-4 $ 

\task $-2+3-2 $ 
\task $5-1-2 $ 
\task $3-4-1 $ 
\task $-5+1-5 $ 
\task $3+2-1-3 $ 
\task $-3+(-1)-2+5 $

\task $3\cdot(-2) $ 
\task $(-2)\cdot 2 $ 
\task $(-4)\cdot (-2) $
\task $(-3)\cdot 2\cdot (-1) $ 
\task $3\cdot 1 \cdot (-1) $ 
\task $(-1)\cdot (-2) \cdot (-3)$

(maybe not so minimal after all...)
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Formatting a page with many small math problems

Post by Johannes_B »

Like this?

Code: Select all

\title{Oppgaver 2P}
\chapter{math stuff}

\section{Addisjon} Regn ut% \\%Don't do that

\task  $2+(-1) $ 
\task $2-3 $
\task $1-3 $ 
\task $-3+4 $
\task $-5+2 $ 
\task $-1-4 $ 

\task $-2+3-2 $ 
\task $5-1-2 $ 
\task $3-4-1+1-1+1-1+1-1 $ 
\task $-5+1-5 $ 
\task $3+2-1-3 $ 
\task $-3+(-1)-2+5 $
%\\%Don't do that

\section{Multiplikasjon} Regn ut% \\%Argh
\task $3\cdot(-2) $ 
\task $(-2)\cdot 2 $ 
\task $(-4)\cdot (-2) $
\task $(-3)\cdot 2\cdot (-1) $ 
\task $3\cdot 1 \cdot (-1) $ 
\task $(-1)\cdot (-2) \cdot (-3)$


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Formatting a page with many small math problems

Post by cgnieder »

Stefan_K wrote:

Code: Select all

The exsheets package also has

Code: Select all

  counter-within = section
In order to see the questions/exercises numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc one also needs to set the counter format accordingly:

Code: Select all


  counter-within = section ,
  counter-format = se.qu


  first one
  second one

The tasks environment could be used to get sub-questions inside a main question:

Code: Select all


  counter-within = section ,
  counter-format = se.qu



    \task one
    \task two
    \task three
    \task four

    \task one
    \task two
    \task three
    \task four

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Re: Formatting a page with many small math problems

Post by Xiphias »

That worked :)

Thanks for all the help from all of you!
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