WinEdtBibtex in Winedt

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Bibtex in Winedt

Post by cbustaam »

Hi everybody....
I'm doing a tex file that includes at the end a bibliography file (.bib)...
How can I compile my entire document, with images, bibliography and all??
Thanks in advance
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Bibtex in Winedt

Post by localghost »

cbustaam wrote:[...] How can I compile my entire document, with images, bibliography and all?? [...]
Let us see your recent efforts in the sense of a minimal working example (MWE). Basic LaTeX Documentation is given with lshort and l2tabu. Useful information about including graphics into a document is given with epslatex. Help for including a bibliography is given in the documentation of BibTeX. Perhaps the Community of WinEdt might also be able to give help on its documentation pages. The MiKTeX Documentation gives some usefuls hints about texify, which helps you to get things work.

It is matter of politeness to mention that you posted exactly the same request in another forum [1]. This prevents users from double efforts and waste of time in the case that the answer already has been given there.

[1] CQF info :: View topic - Bibtex in Winedt

Best regards and welcome to the board

Edit: The solution has finally been given in the other forum.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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