Community talkTUG 2015 conference reports

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Stefan Kottwitz
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TUG 2015 conference reports

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hello friends!

For forum readers among us, who usually directly visit the forum and not the front page: I posted a series of conference reports there:
I should also post some photos ("pics or it did not happen..."), but I shall ask the friends on the photos before.

But one group photo is fine :-) here are some of our friends of Stack Exchange, a part of the 72 attendees:
photo.png (446.79 KiB) Viewed 4457 times
From the left to the right, as I know them:
  • Petr Olšák aka wipet, friend of really pure TeX
  • Stefan Kottwitz (me)
  • Tomáš Hejda aka yo’, who made the talk about thesis and journal classes
  • Joseph Wright, LaTeX 3 developer and blogger, he made three talks
  • Enrico Gregorio aka egreg, TeX wizard with special a lot of LaTeX 3 expertise
  • Henri Menke, I know him mainly from a lot of great posts at
  • Heiko Oberdiek, legendary TeX programmer who did a lot of famous packages
  • Frank Mittelbach, LaTeX 3 developer and author of the LaTeX companion
  • David Carlisle, LaTeX 3 developer, long term TeX pundit and author of many classic packages
  • Ulrike Fischer, frequent helper in many online forums
  • Bruno Le Floch, LaTeX 3 team member and programmer of crazy things like regular expressions in LaTeX
  • Martin Schröder, well known for his talks about TeX developments
  • Arthur Reutenauer (with beard and hat), I know him for promoting TeX among French users
  • Herbert Voß (behind Arthur), author of a lot of books and editor of the DANTE journal (DTK)
  • Julien Cretel (aka jubobs), programmmer and TeX addict who made the talk about functional data structures
  • Will Robertson, LaTeX 3 developer, famous for unicode-math
Like to see more photos? Let me know.

Thanks to the TUG and to the sponsors DANTE e.V. and River Valley Technologies!

Stefan admin

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Re: TUG 2015 conference reports

Post by Johannes_B »

Sure, i like to see more photos. Unfortunately, i couldn't attend the meeting.
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