Graphics, Figures & TablesEPS images

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EPS images

Post by ubuntu2014 »

Hello. I have been told to use EPS images in my LaTeX document. But, when I look back to the directory of my LaTeX document after compiling, I observe that all the EPS images were converted to PDF and named as image-eps-converted-to.pdf. Why is it so? Why can't the EPS images directly be included? Why does it get copied into PDF format while compiling the document?

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Re: EPS images

Post by Johannes_B »

PdfLaTeX simply cannot work with eps-figures. In the backround, all files are converted to pdf, both are vector formats and there is no loss in quality.
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Re: EPS images

Post by ubuntu2014 »

Then what should I do to directly include EPS images? I have been told to use EPS only.
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EPS images

Post by Johannes_B »

May i ask why?

You can compile in classical mode and output a dvi (latex instead of pdflatex). This dvi can be converted to ps and to pdf.

Or use XeLaTeX, which can use eps-figures.
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