XeTeXError message

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Error message

Post by thatha »


I am relatively new in using Lyx in Mac OS X. I keep getting an error message which I don't understand how to solve, even though I have searched for the problem and found some solutions on the web but it doesn't seem to be working. I would really appreciate if anyone can help me out!!

xetex error

LaTex Error: File undertilde.sty not found.

\usepackage{graphicx}^^M (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes).

I have verified that 'undertilde' is automatically downloaded and tried to write the usepackage{graphicx} by writing on the LaTex preamble in the document setting. I have MacTex, and I thought if you have it, then you don't need to download manually packages?


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Error message

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome.
thatha wrote:I have MacTex, and I thought if you have it, then you don't need to download manually packages?

True, but MacTeX is based on the generic TeX Live. According to CTAN, the centralized distribution center for packages, package undertilde is only included in MikTeX, but not TeX Live.

Are you sure you really need this package? Please comment it out in the document preamble and try typesetting the pdf. If no error arises, the package isn't even needed.

If you really need it, download the contents of the zip-file on CTAN and install the package by running tex on the ins-file and copy that to your local texmf tree. <- this part may be confusing, but i am quite sure you aren't even using the package. There might even be better alternatives out there by now.
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Re: Error message

Post by thatha »


Thanks for the quick reply! I am assuming that I need the package ´undertilde´ package because I keep getting the error. How can I find out whether one need the package or not?

I have written the two following packages in the tab documents--preferences--latex preamble without any luck.


I tried as your suggestion without any success. TeX have several texmf (texmf-var, texmf-dist ect), which one of those should I insert the undertilde package that I downloaded from CTAN?

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Error message

Post by Johannes_B »

Currently, you are requesting the package, \usepackage. It is like getting a book from the shelf with different blueprints of chirs in it. But do you need the book, if you have no intention of carpenting any chirs? It might be a leftover from somebody building a template[/latex]. If it is a leftover, prevent loading the package by placing a percent sign before it. If there really is the need for chair carpenting, you will get a different error message.

In your home directory, there is texmfhome where you should install the package. On Macs, this could be in a library directory, i am not sure.
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Error message

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Thatha,

welcome to the forum!

To add to Johannes' remark, you can find the directory for local installations on a Mac by typing in the terminal:

kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME

On my Mac, it returns: /Users/stefan/Library/texmf.

However, I would use the TeX package manager is possible. After a look at the underscore CTAN package page, I see it's provided by MiKTeX but not by TeX Live or MacTeX. But you could download it from CTAN.

Though, firstly verify that you really need the package. if you would just get rid of the error, comment that line out.

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Error message

Post by thatha »

Hi again,

Sorry for the delay answer I sort of postponed. Before going with details of my problem. The lyx.file that I am working on, I can compile it without any problem on windows however using lyx on mac OSX seem to causing me huge problem which I did not confront before.
I typed a new document with just a simple phrase, I thought it might be some bug on the file I am working on, but I get the same error message! However, surprisingly when I open the help file such as the introduction.lyx file, I have no problem of compiling the document into pdf!!

I tried hardly all your suggestions and even went with the problem to the IT service (they don't really work with theses issue but was kind enough to put some effort to help me out) at my university without any further solutions.

What I have done so far is, I downloaded undertilde (in this folder there is no file called undertilde.sty but there exist undertilde.ins) and underscore(in this file there is one called underscore.sty) from CTNA and copied it to texmf --- put into the tex folder (not sure whether I put it into the right folder there are 6 other folders in texmf)

After doing this manipulation without any result, I got the same error message.

I finally reinstalled completely lyx = the problem did not go away.

I might be doing everything wrong, please if anyone has confronted the same issue and have the solution I really could need the solution.

The error message that I get is:

LaTex Error: File undertilde.sty not found.

\usepackage{graphicx}^^M (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes).

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Re: Error message

Post by Johannes_B »

Just put the file in the same folder as your lyx-file.
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Re: Error message

Post by thatha »

Thanks but it simply doesn't work. I don't know exactly how to continue with this problem.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Error message

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Thatha,

"it doesn't work" is not a good problem description. What is "it"? I'm sure you refer to Johannes post above, but what exactly did you do? (I could work with Johannes advice)

.ins and .dtx are source code files of a package, with documentation. You can produce a .sty file, if you run LaTeX on the .ins file.

  • download undertilde.ins and undertilde.dtx from CTAN here,
  • put both files in your document folder,
  • open a terminal window, change to the folder, and run "latex undertilde.ins".
But are you sure you need the undertilde document in your document? Try commenting it out: place a % before that line:

Code: Select all

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Re: Error message

Post by thatha »

Hi Stefan_k,

Yes, that is correct - I was referring to Johannes comment. I did exactly as Johannes and yours description; I downloaded the undertilde.ins and undertilde.dtx files then I put the both files in the same folder as my lyx.file. Futher, I also comment out the undertilde package in lyx preamble. It still doesn't work. I thought it could be that the document is damaged, it contains lots of tables ect. so I open a new lyx document and write few phrases, tries to compile into a pdf file but I get the same error message. The only document that I manage to compile into pdf without any error message is the included lyx documents (help documents about Lyx)

I am not sure If I am missing out something?
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