['C:\\texlive\\2014\\bin\\win32\\pdflatex.exe', 'C:\\Users\\KEY0000G\\Documents\\TeXfiles\\TEST.tex'])
to generate the pdf file, the problem is it creates the pdf file in the default directory. I have tried passing the output path and file name as a second command line argument but PdfLatex ignores it. I tried placing -o in front of the output file path and also
but it makes no difference, pdf file the .log file and .aux file show up in the default directory. To display the pdf file I am using['C:\\Program Files\\Tracker Software\\PDF Viewer\\PDFXCview.exe', 'C:\\Users\\KEY0000G\\Documents\\Python Scripts\\Vectrix\\TEST.pdf'])
, which is the default directory. I have searched the internet, that's where -o and -output-file came from).