LyXExporting odt-files from LyX

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Exporting odt-files from LyX

Post by anbhute »

Dear Friends,
I have a small query related to export lyx to odt.
I have successfully export from lyx to opendocument. but I didn.t find .odt file aywhewe in my PC. (not even in temp). Will you plz suggest me how to find .odt file. what is the current state of .odt export in LyX, particularly from windows 7 OS. Thanks in Advance

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Re: Exporting odt-files from LyX

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome,

i opened a new topic for your question as it was unrelated to the other one and is more suited here in the LyX subforum.
Unfortunately i can't help you and we have to wait for a LyX expert.
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Re: Exporting odt-files from LyX

Post by StarValkyrie »

LyX puts it in a temp folder and deletes them on exit - you have to Save As within the odt program before closing LyX to keep it. Check the location of your temp folder in LyX Tools>Preferences>Paths>Temporary Directory, or watch the lower left corner of the LyX screen while it exports - it shows what it's doing including exactly what folder it puts the file in but that goes by fast though. You can also try View> ODT which will either open the file or show the folder.

Edit: actually, I just tested and can't find it either. I have a pdf and a tex file and a bunch of other files but no odt. I'd suggest reporting it as a bug on the LyX site.
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Re: Exporting odt-files from LyX

Post by anbhute »

Thanks Valkyrie for quick response,
I have check the temp folder all files are generated except .odt. When I am Trying to view>>Opendocument from lyx it prompt error msg, "File does not exists".
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Re: Exporting odt-files from LyX

Post by anbhute »

I have make the changes in Lyx2.0. Firstly install tex4ht then the following process applied....(Ref. bossanova,

Open tools-->preferences-->file formats

Create a new format: odt
GUI name: OpenDocument
Shortcut: whatever
Extension: odt
Viewer: oowriter (although I can't yet get the viewer and editor to work)
Editor: oowriter

Now go to tools-->preferences-->converters

create a new converter from LaTeX (plain) to OpenDocument
Converter: mk4ht oolatex $$i
Extra flag: originaldir,needaux
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Re: Exporting odt-files from LyX

Post by anbhute »

plz suggest me, how to export the .odt file from lyx (window OS)
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