Everything works just out of the box using Linux Libertine O, but why is that? Why is polyglossia requesting a font with greek support, where Dioxipe obviously supports greek?
Let us call
on the font file to see which scripts are supported:
Code: Select all
$ otfinfo -s ufonts.com_dioxipe-opentype.otf
latn Latin
The font itself doesn't contain any information, that greek is supported.
Now, lets investigate with libertine, found in the fonts folder of my OS.
Code: Select all
$ otfinfo -s /usr/share/fonts/opentype/linux-libertine/LinLibertine_R.otf
DFLT Default
cyrl Cyrillic
cyrl.SRB Cyrillic/Serbian
grek Greek
hebr Hebrew
latn Latin
latn.AZE Latin/Azeri
latn.CRT Latin/Crimean Tatar
latn.DEU Latin/German
latn.MOL Latin/Moldavian
latn.ROM Latin/Romanian
latn.TRK Latin/Turkish
math Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
We can see, Linux Libertine provides the meta information that states,
Yes, i do support greek.
Seems like an update of Dioxipe is in order.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.