Presentations and PostersNeed a centred headline in Beamer

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Need a centred headline in Beamer

Post by ouadad »

I have a classified presentation to put together and I need to specify the classification of each page (UNCLASSIFED, CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, ETC.) centred at the very top (above the Frametitle) and at the very bottom. I tried using \setbeamertemplate{headline}{UNCLASSIFIED}, for example, but all it does is stick the classification on the far left. When I add it within \begin{center}{}\end{center}, nothing happens. In either case, I get nothing for the footline.

Can someone assist me please?

Code: Select all

\section{Background:  The Problem}
\frametitle{Background:  The Problem}
\item stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff;
\item stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff;
\item stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff;
\item stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff;
\item stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff;
\item stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff;}
\begin{center}{\bf UNCLASSIFIED}

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