Here is how the Newsletter is organized. There is a title banner, followed by some text and then there is a table of contents. The table of contents only lists the title of the topics as a numbered list. There are no page numbers in the table of contents. Then there is a Calendar of events which are listed and then there is a listing of all information related to the Topics. These should be numbered appropriately, and match up to the topic titles in the table of contents. Currently I am setting the numbers of the topics manually. I would like XeLaTeX to
automatically generate the numbers of the topics and also the table of contents in exactly the place I want it, near the top of the PDF file. I would like to use something like `\section` to give the information such as Title1, personA, etc., and I want XeLaTeX to generate the numbers.
Here is a sample organization of the Newsletter.
Code: Select all
O P S F N E T - Volume 22, Number 3 - May 15, 2015...Topics:1. Title12. Title23. Title34. ...9. ...10. Title10Calendar of Events:...Topic #1 ---- OP-SF Net 22.3 ---- May 15, 2015From: personASubject: Title1...Topic #2 ---- OP-SF Net 22.3 ---- May 15, 2015From: personBSubject: Title2...Topic #3 ---- OP-SF Net 22.3 ---- May 15, 2015From: personCSubject: Title3.........Topic #10 ---- OP-SF Net 22.3 ---- May 15, 2015
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass[12pt]{article}\usepackage{xltxtra,fontspec,xunicode}\oddsidemargin 0.00cm\textwidth 16.4cm\textheight 24.0cm\pagenumbering{arabic}\setlength{\topmargin}{-2.5cm}\begin{document}\setmainfont{LucidaSansRegular.ttf}[BoldFont = LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf,ItalicFont = LucidaSansItalic.ttf ]\noindent\begin{center}\vspace{1cm}{\large O\ P - S\ F\ \ N\ E\ T - Volume 22, Number 2 - May 15, 2015}\\[0.6cm]\end{center}\normalsize\begin{center}$\{$ Contents of Newsletter header $\}$\end{center}\small\noindent Topics:\begin{enumerate}\item Topic Title 1\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 2\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 3\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 4\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 5\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 6\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 7\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 8\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 9\\[-0.75cm]\item Topic Title 10\end{enumerate}