Hi, I'm new on latex but I want use it to write my thesis. I have to make page numbering looking like this one in attachment, and have no idea how to do it.
- even page numbers on the left, odd page numbers on the right
- color of the line: RGB 194/00/11
- 0,5pt
- no line spacing before and after number
Can I make an asymmetric 2-colum, 1-row table with 3 visible borders and put into footnote? Or someone has any other ideas how to do shape of this line ?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
At first I understood that you meant footnotes, but after reading all it seems that you mean page numbers. Making that is not so difficult. Positioning can be done by fancyhdr, the challenge of drawing the line by TikZ. I would use TikZ as we can draw related to the paper dimensions, using the current page node.
I just cannot program it right now, it may take a day or to for me to find some more time, but I guess it's a bigger work and the deadline is not tomorrow.
There are also further LaTeX and TikZ friends here, perhaps one is faster than me.
Thank you for your quick reply!
As you noticed topic name was wrong, so i changed it.
I didn't hear about TikZ before, it's great I drew shape I wanted, but I don't know how to draw line exactly from left margin to the right (they are different for even and odd pages)