Assignments, Laboratory books and reportsTemplate information: assignments, lab books, reports

University homework, exams and laboratory work
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm

Template information: assignments, lab books, reports

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Here you can find
  • Links to the templates with preview and download
  • List of existing forum topics for each template.
Have a look at the topic list, if your question may already be discussed in the forum, and for inspiration of possibilities.

Feel free to post any question you have. Please mention the template name in your post. If it's not listed here, please add a link to it in your post.

  • Short Sectioned Assignment
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template is clearly structured to answer multiple questions and subquestions for an assignment/homework. The lack of a table of contents and dedicated title page makes this template optimized for shorter assignments. The template works particularly well for assignments involving math, as demonstrated in the preview of the template, but can likewise be used for assignments where large blocks of text are required.
  • Programming/Coding Assignment
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template is useful for students of computer science or any other field where coding is used for assignments. It uses the listings package to read in code and present it in an easy to read output for marking. Many programming languages are supported, see the listings package documentation for details. This example uses a short Perl script to demonstrate the syntax highlighting and structure of the code printed to the assignment.
  • Structured General Purpose
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template is suitable for assignments/homework that are given in a clear structured order with multiple questions. Each question can be given a custom name and consists of the question text followed by the answer in a frame. Sections within each question (e.g. 1(a), 1(b), etc) are also permissible in the same format.
Laboratory Books
  • Compact Laboratory Book
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template is useful for keeping track of progress made on different experiments in a laboratory. It features a compact layout for clean reading with each day clearly distinct from other days. Multiple experiments and sub-experiments can be cited for each day allowing the tracking of progress on multiple different avenues of research more easily. The template includes examples of a table, figure, equation, bibliography and citation. Hyperlinks to citations, figures and pages means the lab book is easy to navigate for later information retrieval during writing up.
  • Daily Laboratory Book
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template is useful for those working in a laboratory where records must be kept for academic or commercial purposes. Often times working in the laboratory means scrawling messy notes in a physical book so this template helps to make a laboratory book more organized and digitally searchable. The template features a cover page, hyperlinked table of contents, daily logs of progress made on individual experiments and a formulae and media recipes section. The template is organized in such a way that each day is simple to add to the book.
Laboratory Reports
  • University/School Laboratory Report
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This template provides a clean structured format for writing a report based on a laboratory experiment. The structure follows the typical flow of information required in a laboratory report: the objective of the experiment, methods, data gathered, results and discussion. This template would best suit an student’s write-up of an experiment at a university or school. admin

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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