LettersTemplate information: formal and cover letters, newsletters

Formal letters, Cover letters, Newsletters
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Template information: formal and cover letters, newsletters

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Here you can find
  • Links to the templates with preview and download
  • List of existing forum topics for each template.
Have a look at the topic list, if your question may already be discussed in the forum, and for inspiration of possibilities.

Feel free to post any question you have. Please mention the template name in your post. If it's not listed here, please add a link to it in your post.

Formal Letters
  • Professional Formal Letter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This formal letter template is suitable for individuals representing a professional institution such as a university, company or organization. This is most evident in the large header at the top of the letter where there is space for a logo and a large institution name along with your name and title. A block for your information is neatly tucked away underneath the header line on the right with a vertically-overlapping block for the addressee information underneath on the left. Finally, the content of the letter is laid out in neat justified paragraphs with the signature on the bottom aligning with the date at the top of the letter.
  • Letter of Notice
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This formal letter template is specifically tailored to provide a short notice to the addressee. The large heading bar at the top provides a central focus for the letter while the body of the letter is intentionally narrow, centered and in an 11pt font size with increased spacing to restrict the text of the letter to a single sharp message. This template would be most suited to a short formal communication of notice between a client and a business, such as for a notice of inspection, resignation letter or a letter stating intent to move out of a property.
  • Full Size Formal Letter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This formal letter template uses the ‘scrlttr2′ class to structure the letter for mailing with a special section for the addressee designed for windowed envelopes. The letter content is wide and fills the entire page with ample spacing between paragraphs for easy reading.
  • Thin Formal Letter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This formal letter template has a narrow appearance befitting this type of letter. The layout is very conservative so as to give an air of formality and ample space is left on the bottom of the letter for a signature. Address fields are provided for both the sender and recipient of the letter.
Cover Letters
  • Long Lined Cover Letter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This cover letter template features a clean professional layout which can take a large amount of text per page. The ability to include a company/institution logo at the top of the letter further adds to the professional look. The content of the letter itself is presented between two horizontal lines and contains your contact information, the addressee and letter content. Any element of the letter can be easily removed within the template to customize the layout to your requirements.
  • Short Stylish Cover Letter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This stylish cover letter includes a custom large header and footer. The ‘To’ address is placed so as to show up in a windowed envelope. Unfortunately these do not leave much space for text but there are several ways of increasing available space described in the template.
  • Plain Cover Letter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    A plain cover letter template with your name and address at the top in bold. The layout is traditional and is best suited to single-page letters. The format offers plenty of space for a longer cover letter and includes a description of the content that should be written in each paragraph.
  • Professional Newsletter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This elegant newsletter template is best suited to corporate or organizational newsletters with several large entries. It features space for a large wide header at the top with the company logo and information. The layout is highly modifiable and features the ability to include a sidebar encased in a border, an in-text box, quotation and single or multi-column text layouts in any configuration! The template makes extensive use of linking for quick reader browsing, a table of contents is present on the first page and links to every entry in the newsletter.
  • Short Three Column Newsletter
    Template page with Download List of Forum Topics
    This newsletter template is best suited to shorter newsletters consisting of short articles from a number of contributors. It features a prominent main news item at the start to provide a space for important updates or a summation of events by a single author. The body of the newsletter has a three-column layout which is conducive to short articles by a number of authors. The newsletter header on the first page clearly displays the newsletter name and edition while the footers on each page provide contact information and a longer description of the newsletter.
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