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- Maggi Memoir Thesis
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This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look which is immediately obvious from the title page itself and carries through the design of the rest of the document. Three custom fonts are used in the template to match the design and beautifully display your content. - Classicthesis Typographic Thesis
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This template has been designed as a homage to the elements of typographic style. As such, it has an air of efficiency and optimal design. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. Sections within the thesis are clearly separated in a consistent way, as are sections within each chapter. The default structure of the thesis proceeds in the following order: title page, dedication, abstract, publications, acknowledgements, contents, list of tables/figures/listings, acronyms, content chapters, appendices, bibliography, colophon and declaration. - Masters/Doctoral Thesis
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This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page(s), list of figures, list of tables, abbreviations, physical constants, symbols, dedication, example chapter, example appendix and bibliography.
You can also have a look at The Unofficial Quick Guide to get some useful hints and explanations.
- eBook
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This ebook template is for those wishing to create a book in a format that is easily readable on electronic screens. To facilitate this, the template features a layout with narrow margins and a large font size to use as much of your screen real estate as possible. Each page features a header with the author and title of the book, as well as a page count at the bottom to indicate progress. Book content can be divided by parts, chapters, sections, subsections and subsubsections. The spacious table of contents lets you rapidly select a chapter or part and takes you to it with a click. The large background image in the title page makes your book easily identifiable when browsing a large number of PDFs in a folder. - The Wiley Book Style
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The Wiley Publishing Company provides two templates for authors wishing to use LaTeX to supply their books for typesetting. The difference between the two templates is purely in their dimensions, one is for 6″ x 9″ books while the other is for 7″ x 10″ books. The templates include all features required for book publication: title page, copyright page, dedication, contributors list, table of contents/figures/tables, acronyms, glossary, symbols, parts, chapters, appendices, references and an index. - The Legrand Orange Book
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This book template features an elegant layout with a beautiful title page and part/chapter headings. The book itself is highly structured into parts, chapters, sections and then subsections. Each is numbered and these numbers are prominently displayed in the left margin where each begins as well as in page headers. Sections and subsections also appear as mini tables of contents on pages separating parts of the book to provide an outline of the content to come. - Tufte-Style Book
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This book template has been designed to conform to Edward R. Tufte’s design style, used in his books and handouts. The most defining feature of this design is the large margin on every page and extensive use of sidenotes. This layout means that the central column of text is uncluttered since further descriptions and citations are housed in the margin. Tufte’s design style does not end there and numerous other typographic and layout tweaks are present in this template and are described in the documentation template.
- Formal Text-Rich Title Page
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This title page template features a formal layout with the title highlighted by two horizontal lines. Ample room is available for a description, location, year, editors and publisher information. This template is suited to a formal application, such as in the fields of science or engineering. - Stylish Colored Title Page
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This title page template features a large colored title and subtitle surrounded by two large curly brackets. The brackets serve to highlight the title and add to the stylish design of the template. The template compiles as a standalone document to act as a starting point for creating a document but it includes instructions for integrating this title page into an existing document. - Classic Lined Title Page
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This title page template features a classic lined look with a clear title highlighted in large red all-caps text. The template compiles as a standalone document to act as a starting point for creating a document but it includes instructions for integrating this title page into an existing document. - Vertical Line Title Pag
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This title page features a central vertical line which serves as the backbone for the rest of the text on the page. The title is clearly visible in a large bold font and the template also includes a tagline, author name and publisher information. The title page could be used for a number of applications but is best left with as few lines of text as possible. - Minimalist Book Title Page
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This title page features a minimalistic design and clearly highlights the title using large red text. The design is most suited to a book since the design would be negatively impacted by adding more lines of descriptive text. - Multi-Purpose Large Font
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This title page is suited to almost any document type. It clearly shows the title in a large font highlighted by a colored box. The color of this box can be changed to give the title a different highlight. The template compiles as a standalone document to act as a starting point for creating a document but it includes instructions for integrating this title page into an existing document. - University Assignment
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This title page is specifically useful for university/college students for assignments or theses. It has a clean look with two horizontal lines highlighting the title. The template contains code for an alternate layout without a supervisor name and for a logo at the bottom of the page.